Scenic Artist
Destiny of Designer - Red Velour Panel Drops

OSF 2018

Destiny of Designer - Red Velour Panel Drops

Destiny of Designer - Red Velour Panel Drops

3 proscenium portals, Torn and cut; aged with HVLP spray

Destiny of Desire - Floor Process

Destiny of Desire - Floor Process

Rosco Off Broadway paints; dry brush grain, glazes, spatter/drag, P-50 sprays

Destiny of Desire - Full stage wall

Destiny of Desire - Full stage wall

Pulp art bricks; Jaxsan texture, paints, various glazes, drybrush, distress

Destiny of Desire

Destiny of Desire

Scenic Designer - François-Pierre Couture

Sense and Sensibility - Marble floor process

Sense and Sensibility - Marble floor process

CNC edge layout; meticulous taping; glazes and veining for various marble treatments

Sense and Sensibility - Floor Process

Sense and Sensibility - Floor Process

Multiple layers for different marble types

Sense and Sensibility - Floor Finish

Sense and Sensibility - Floor Finish

6 different Marble treatments; Finished with Satin seal

Sense and Sensibility

Sense and Sensibility

Scenic Designer - Collette Pollard

Manahatta - Foam Rock carving

Manahatta - Foam Rock carving

Seven rocks; some actor weight bearing; hot knife carving, Aqua Resin and fiber glass, Jaxsan, paint



Scenic Designer - Mariana Sanchez

Romeo and Juliet - Mirror Age

Romeo and Juliet - Mirror Age

Plexiglass mirrors with patina; satin sealer, flat black spray paint, distress, frosted glass seal
Scenic Designer - Efren Delgadillo, Jr.

Othello - Bed Detail

Othello - Bed Detail

Wood grain bed (2 sides Headboard, footboard); wood grain, glazes; Latticework with multi-colored glazes for detail
Scenic Designer - Christopher Acebo